Custom Made Map


Size: Small 21 x 29.7 cm

Small 21 x 29.7 cm
Medium 29.7 x 42 cm
Large 35 x 49.5 cm

Custom Additions: No additions

No additions
Heart location
Personalized text
Heart + Text


If you are looking for a city or an area that is not in our selection, we can make it for you. Without an extra cost. If it’s created in our standard format.

Our standard format is as following

In two or three layers – it depends on the place.

Small 21 x 29.7 cm
Medium 29.7 x 42 cm
Large 35 x 49.5 cm

With the city name/ Location

The country of the city name/ Location

And the coordinates in the following format

xx.xxxx ° N/S xx.xxxx ° E/W (Decimal Degrees (D.D°)

Here is an example

Please send us a map of the location you want. After you have purchased a costume map.

A map in one of the standard formats will take about 5 workdays to be completed. And then it will shipped.

If you want your map/location in another format. Please contact us for a price.